Proposed Feb 13 burial of martyrs a collective decision of INPI groups, KNO clarifies


IMPHAL, February 12: A Joint Action Committee concerning the nine martyrs in Churachandpur was formed by the INPI groups of all the tribes and other civil bodies, including the Joint Philanthropic Organisations.

In a statement, the Kuki National Organization (KNO) said following the consensus among the relevant concerns, October 6 was set as the date for burial of the nine martyrs.

It said however, a section of a tribe opposed the decision, and the burial ceremony did not take place. The next burial date set by the relevant concerns was November 30, 2015 and this time round, the same section of the tribe appealed to the INPI groups to defer the date of burial owing to a need to sort out pressing internal differences.

With a view to facilitate proper closure for the martyrs, the Kuki National Organisation and United People’s Front had a meeting on February 7 last. At the joint meeting, a resolution was passed to bury the mortal remains of the nine martyrs following consultations with JAC, JPO and the INPI groups, it said.

The statement continued, in a meeting held at the Kuki Khanglai Lawmpi complex on February 9 which was moderated by Aaron Kipgen and Thangboi Haokip, both from UPF; PS Haokip president of KNO; Thangboi Kipgen chairman of UPF, L T Hmar working chairman of HPC (D) delivered speeches on the need for agreement among their respective concerns to bury the mortal remains of the martyrs.

John Pulamte, president of Hmar Inpui, as the representative of the INPI groups, clarified their collective decision to perform the last rites for the nine martyrs, it continued.

As called upon by the moderator, PS Haokip, in his second round of speech proposed February 13 for the burial date, which was overwhelmingly endorsed by the respective organisations with a ‘show of hands’.

The statement said the resolution of KNO and UPF on February 7, 2015 was to consult the civil organisations concerning burial of the martyrs not to set a date for the burial, it said.

However, proposal of February 13 was made by PS Haokip, which was endorsed by the civil organisations.

KNO and UPF served their consensual proposal to consult the civil organisations which the latter accepted, it said.

It is a serious anomaly that a section of a tribe, or a few individuals, should negate consensus reached amongst the concerned organisations, armed and civil. Therefore, negation in this circumstance is not against PS Haokip, but against the democratic decision of the public concerns with a view to monopolise a mass-based movement, it stated.

It is unfortunate that one group of UPF issued a contradictory statement after the meeting at KKL Complex, where consensus was reached amongst all stake holders. Evidence for the proceedings is on video record. Any interested entity may avail of the video, the statement said.

KNO further clarified that neither JAC members nor members of JPO had a single meeting to pass a resolution regarding the news item under the headline ‘No decision on burying “martyrs”: JAC, JPO published in a local daily on February 12.


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