BJP criticises cabinet decision on tech varsity


IMPHAL, March 31: The BJP Manipur has mocked the recent cabinet decision to establish a technical University in state even as the government remains unable to actualise two earlier proposed universities including sports university, cultural university etc till today.

A statement issued by BJP general secretary -Administration, welcomed the announcement of the state cabinet that a technical university is the immediate need for furthering higher education in the State.

However, it said that the State needs to have certain things in clear perspective, adding that the present government has not yet been able to put in place the above named institutes and Universities for which the funding would be borne completely by the central government.

There has been no positive development in sight even after two years with regards to the establishment of the National Sport University, it said.

Against this backdrop, the government colleges as well as the State government aided-colleges are in dire straits owing to lack of lecturers and Principals, it asserted.

It alleged that even the recent proposed interviews for recruiting teachers have been put in the cold storage, the appointment for Principals have been nullified by the Supreme Court of the country.

Moreover, the Cultural University recently established by the government is yet to be located where it is meant to be, although there have been certain appointment already made for it.

In the upshot of all issue of higher education system, we have a government which has not been able to perform anything positive relating to education in State, it held.

Notwithstanding this, the Ibobi government which cannot even make the colleges under it function, is now going on a high, conceiving extravagant ideas of establishing another new university, it rued.

The underlying social conditions for the new university is not provided in the present circumstances these cannot be provided either, it claimed.

The only rationale for the hurry can be the appointment of new vice-chancellors, teaching and non-teaching staffs before the general election in 2017, it further alleged.


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