Indefinite Tiddim Road bandh from March 8: KSDDC


IMPHAL, Mar 4: In pursuance of the resolution adopted at the mega rally cum public consultation meeting held at Khousabung on February 29, Khousabung Sub-Division Demand Committee (KSDDC) in its meeting held today decided to impose indefinite bandh on Tiddim Road from 6 am of March 8 if the government fails to respond to its demand positively by March 7.

The committee has been demanding renaming of Thangting Sub-Division as Khousabung Sub-Division with its headquarters at Khousabung.

KSDDC in a statement said the democratic protest demanding review of the undemocratic State Cabinet decision of February 10 which gave approval to change the nomenclature of the new subdivision to `Kangvai` has remained unheeded.

As the repeated pleas and democratic protest have been deliberately disregarded by the government, the committee is now convinced and compelled to intensify its agitation against this autocratic government, it stated.

Appealing all concerned organisations to extend support and cooperation in the endeavours to find justice to the demand, the committee cautioned that the government and the local MLA in particular should be held solely responsible for any unwanted outcome arise out of the situation.

It also urged all concerned not to spread canards aimed at jeopardising the genuine people`s movement for justice at the instigation and behest of vested interest.


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