RPN Memorial Trust observes death anniversary


IMPHAL, March 28: The 8th death anniversary of Thokchom Romesh, Thokchom Premila and Laishram Nirmala who were killed in bullet attack at a Thabal Chongba site at Heirok on March 24, 2008 was observed by RPN Memorial Trust.

Attending the observance held under the theme ‘’Enlighten Day’’ as chief guest, CO of 1st Manipur Rifles Th Radheshyam said that the incident came as a shocker not only to Heirok locals but to the whole people of the State.

He further said that the unfortunate incident led to the formation of 300 Special Police Officer (SPO) at Heirok, for the first time in the State.

Following the incident and after having a high-level discussion, a total of 10, 050 Village Defense Force (VDF) personnel were recruited with the objective of facilitating maintenance of law and order, he added.

The CO asserted that the recruitment has helped many disillusioned youths besides helping in improving law and order in the State.

He observed that subversive activities in the State have been reduced though crime related incidents have been taking place.

Organizing competition and meaningful discussion amongst students on the observance day will prove fruitful, he observed.

He assured the trust to extend all possible help from his side to strengthen and expand it further.

The observance function was also attended by president of RPN Memorial Trust Th Ranjan as functional president.

During the function, floral tributes were paid to the portraits to the three deceased as a mark of respect to the departed souls.

It may be mentioned that the March 24 incident also left a girl identified as Rebika Devi from Kairembikhok loss her eye vision.


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