AMSU demands clarification on delayed MOBC scholarship


IMPHAL, April 5: The All Manipur Students’ Union (AMSU) has threatened to launch all sorts of agitation including closure of the Minorities and Other Backward Classes, Manipur office in case backlog pre-matric and post-matric scholarships of the Minority and Other Backwards Classes (MOBC) are not released by April 12.

Speaking to media persons at their head office today, AMSU secretary general Manjit Sarangthem decried that MOBC department has failed to distribute pre-matric and post-matric scholarship stipends for 2013-14 and 2014-15 entitled to OBC, SC and Minority students without giving any proper reasons.

Charging that MOBC has been misappropriating several crore of rupees, Manjit said that fraudulent conduct in the department has been victimising a large number of students.

In case the backlog pre-matric and post-matric scholarships are not released and transferred to the beneficiary students’ bank accounts by April 12, AMSU will launch all sorts of agitation including closure of MOBC office in the interest of student community, he warned.

AMSU has submitted an ultimatum to MOBC director requesting him to distribute the pre and post matric scholarships for the session 2013-14 and 2014-15 within six days and for give issue a proer clarification on the issue of applications for Merit cum Means (MCM) scholarships for the session 2015-16, he said.

He further demanded the department to clarify as to when the applications were issued, when the last date of form submission both online and hardcopy was and how many applications were received for the MCM.


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