AMUCO urges govt to take swift action


IMPHAL, April 26: The All Manipur United Club Organisation has urged the people not to give in to the sinister design of vested interest groups to fuel communal flare ups in the State, and at the same time urged the State government to take swift action in the killing of Sagolsem Prasanta alias Abung.

Speaking to media persons at their Kwakeithel office, AMUCO president Dr Mani Khuman asserted that series of uncalled for violence in the State was due to the failure of the government to contained the situation in time.

Taking advantage of this incompetent factor, some vested interest groups or individuals are apparently fuelling communal hatred amongst the people, he opined.

He further urged the government to take serious note of the sensitive situation and take swift action

He appealed to the government machineries especially the law enforcing agencies to be more active and be alert in dealing with the situation.

The AMUCO president further appealed to the public to fight against any communal forces in the common interest of the people.


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