MBADS questions NERCORMP Cdl Proj Manager on escaping inquiry


IMPHAL, April 10: In response to the statement published by this daily on April 8 under the headline “MBADS was discontinued as NERCORMP PNGO after thorough investigation” made by the Chandel Project Manager Santala E.Ronglo; Manipur Border Area Development Society (MBADS) has questioned the Project Manager why she wanted to escape from conducting a thorough inquiry by the concern authority.

MBADS in a press statement retorted that to divert the attention of all, the Project Manager continued to charge wild allegations against the society.

It dared that the organization is ever ready to prove wrong all the allegations by the Project Manager against it, with documents.

The fact that MBADS has been the main target and victim of the Chandel Project Manager can be known clearly by now as she has revealed herself for writing a letter to the Head Office accusing of illegal collection of money by the society, the statement said.

It is very funny and stupid on the part of the Project Manager who has vast knowledge and many years of experiences as Project Manager in other States in the past, fails to understand that the funds allotted to all Project villages were transferred only after issuing respective fund release orders by her in their respective NaRM-Gs and SHGs Bank Accounts provided with an SMS alert system of all Bank signatories, it stated.

The society clarified that all activities were properly managed and implemented by the concern NaRM-Gs while the role of PNGO is only to facilitate them to ensure smooth and effective implementation of the activities.

It alleged that in regard to discontinuation of the partnership with NERCORMP, it was the Project Manager who violated the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that has been agreed and signed between the Chandel District Community Resource Management Society (CDCRMS, Chandel) and the Manipur Border

Area Development Society (MBADS, PNGO) on October 16, 2014.

Claiming that had the society not submitted the PRA and AWPB reports, it would be impossible for allotment of funds to the project villages; MBADS requested the Project Manager to refer to the submitted hard & soft copies of PRA and AWPB till date before blindly throwing tantrums at the society.

With regard to funds under AWPB 2014-2015 (1st Instalment), it is very true by now that centralized seed procurement has been done by her violating the very procedure of Procurement process. Now that PRA guidelines have also been violated, she is unable to submit the Utilization Certificate (UC) of funds under AWPB 2014-2015. This resulted in the delay of fund disbursing for Chandel district, the statement said.

MBADS fervently requested the concerned authority to conduct a thorough inquiry taking into account all such allegations of both parties so that justice is delivered at the earliest for implementing the NERCORMP Project successfully in Chandel district.


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