Heart surgery


For the first time, a patient with heart failure underwent Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABF) surgery at SKY hospital. K Tampha (57) of Sagolband Thingom Leikai was admitted at the hospital on May 13, said SKY hospital chief cardiologist Dr L Shyamkishore. She suffered a massive heart attack on March 14. Since then, she continued to suffer angina and symptoms of heart failure.

Dr Shyamkishore further said that Tampha already had been treated with Coronary Balloon Angioplasty and Stent outside Manipur six months back. Unfortunately her coronary stent to the main artery of the heart failed. The only treatment option left for was Coronary (Heart) Bypass operation but the risk was considered very high in view of her heart failure, he added. Dr Shyamkishore further said that a team of heart surgeons and specialists led by Dr Ajay Kaul, visiting heart surgeon of SKY hospital performed operation on her at around 10 pm on May 14. The operation finished at 2 am of May 15 and her condition remained critical till 3.30 am.

However she has made good recovery and started to eat, drink and walk on her own and she is going home tomorrow, Dr Shyamkishore. He said that there was no chance of Tampha’s survival if not operated in Manipur because she was not fit to fly in a commercial plane. Such patients with heart failure can expect survival at SKY hospital now, he added.


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