NIPCO, CCSK object ST tag demand


IMPHAL, Apr 30: The Committee of Civil Societies Kangleipak (CCSK) and the National Identity Protection Committee (NIPCO) have also opposed ST status demand for Meitei/Meetei.
In a statement, NIPCO said that the organisation can’t remain silent as the demand for ST status of Meiteis has started widening the divide between hill and valley people.
NIPCO said that Manipur is now at a crucial stage, as people are worried about the possible disintegration of Manipur due to Naga peace talks while Kukis have also started revealing their political ambitions.
As such, pressing ST status demand for Meiteis at this juncture within the Constitution of India is one of the most irresponsible moves ever witnessed in the history of Manipur, the statement said and added that NIPCO would not take the matter lightly.
Saying that some people are claiming that Meiteis must be categorised as STs as per the points laid down by the Scheduled Tribe and Scheduled Caste Commission set up in 1952, NIPCO observed that no conclusion must be made through any document but through a minute study on the social character and history of the community.
Refuting the argument that Meiteis were practising ‘pri-mitive religion’ before the advent of Hinduism, NIPCO said that Meitei religion, which was practised at that time was far superior than animism.
Saying that Puyas are the testimonies of the high philosophy of Meitei religion, NIPCO said that people who demand ST status are trying to ignite religious flare-up among the people by stating that Manipur witnessed mayhem after embracing Hinduism.
It is becoming clear day by day that the ST demand has a hidden political agenda rather than simply showing a desire to gain development through Constitutional privileges.
Although people had never sought any clarification, those who are making this demand are trying to clarify that former Union Home Joint Secretary GK Pillai had never influenced them to make the demand, NIPCO said.
These people had claimed that there are less number of Meitei bureaucrats in the State administration.
However, they had failed to understand the fact that these so-called top level officers are the puppets at the hands of the Government.
Meiteis have more desire of becoming scientists, doctors and engineers rather than choosing civil services as their career options.
No community is still able to beat the Meiteis in the fields of science, medical science and engineering etc, NIPCO said and added that it shows that Meiteis are not inferior in merit and talent but their choice is different.
On the other hand, CCSK questioned why Meitei should lower its status from a community having National character to tribal status if there is no greed of quota.
In a statement, CCSK said that no human evolution and social revolution go backward.
Although, Manipur is one of the most backward States of India, Meitei is a community which possesses the true character of civilization and they are still to compete with the advanced communities at the National and international levels.
Polo and Ras Lila were gifted to the world by Meiteis and it was possible as the community had the national character, the organisation said.
Saying that many Meiteis are employed in different parts of the world while many players have been bringing laurels to the country, CCSK said that people need to understand why Meiteis have the capability to achieve these feats.
CCSK alleged that the demand for ST status of Meiteis has a hidden agenda to spew venom of hatred between hill and valley people.
The demand is similar to putting effort to snatch the quotas, reservations and scholarships from the hill people, CCSK observed.


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