TG students’ ILP protest in Manipur goes out of control

TG Students burning a shield snatched from Manipur police.
Students burning a shield snatched from police.
Photo: IFP

IMPHAL, May 27: Police had a tough time controlling the students of Tamphasana Girls Higher Secondary School today as the agitation of the students went wayward.

A handful of police personnel also suffered minor injuries as a result of the onslaught of the students who even threw stones and filth at the police.

The protest started as a normal sit-in in front of the school gate, demanding the implementation of ILP system and immediate release of JCILPS students wing leaders who were recently arrested by police.

The students chanted slogans and displayed placards which read, “We demand Inner Permit system in Manipur”, “Release the arrested students immediately”, “We don’t want to be ruled by outsiders”, “Convert the bills passed in favour of ILP into act” etc.

As a precautionary measure, a good strength of police both men and women, were deployed at the area along with barricades on standby.

Nevertheless, the police allowed the students to hold the sit-in-protest.

The incident turned ugly when the students tried to take their protest to the streets.

Police faced stiff resistance as they attempted to herd the student protestors back inside the school campus.

With the students resorting to pelting stones towards the police, the latter had to use mock bomb (once) to disperse the protestors.

Unfortunately, the mock bomb exploded amidst the police personnel and as a result a lady MPS officer was injured and she had to be evacuated to the hospital. She suffered minor injuries and later joined her team after having been administered with first aid.

Subsequently, the police also resorted to closing the gate of the school as the students remained determined on taking out their protest to the streets.

Despite having been confined within the campus, the students tried to force their way out. But, the police held their ground firmly and kept them confined.

The frustrated students continued with their onslaught of stones on the police which later turned worst with the students started using filth from inside the school campus, urine and other objects. The student went to such an extent that a girl student threw her phanek (sarong) out from other side of the gate.

The students also burnt a plastic shield snatched from the police earlier during the physical confrontation.

Many students, guardians who have come for admission matter had to leave high and dry as a result of the protest.

Later, the students confined within the campus were allowed to leave only after the school hour was over.


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