Press Release : Grand Iftar Party at Delhi


A large number of Manipur Muslims with their families turned up at a grand iftar party held on 26th June,2016 (yesterday) at the Jamia Millia Islamia University premises in Delhi recently.
The annual IFTAR PARTY was organized by the Delhi Association of Manipur Muslim Students (DAMMS), in decoration with other Manipuri students organisations based on Delhi.

DAMMS Advisor, Mr. Rakib including executives members also welcomed the guests, who were present at the Nehru Guest House Lawn, Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi. Ramadan is a holy month bestowed by the Almighty Allah for us to reap a bounty of rewards for the good work done by Muslims, iftar is an occasion where families, friends meet and greet each other and share food with one another. This is a true spirit of Islamic
brotherhood which helps people to develop understanding and good will with their brethren.

The presence of different people from other communities shows the unity that all belong to one nation and we are children of Manipur. This was a good example of unity among all members of the Manipur community living in Delhi. The programme was conducted by Md. Asker, a senior member of DAMMS and coloured by the presence of Muslim pious including Moulanas. After praying namaz, the programme was peacefully concluded with a dinner programme.


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