Don Bosco Maram : Par excellence Letting the students study


Quality education. This is the slogan of quite a large number of student organisations and civil society organisations across the State. While it is still debatable whether the term education should be qualified by the term quality, it is nonetheless significant to note that one educational institution has been working towards this in its own quiet and dignified way. Don Bosco, Maram may not have all the glitz of some institutions here in Manipur, particularly in Imphal and no over the roof exercise of trumpeting its success but it is worth noting that it topped the survey conducted by the National Assessment Accreditation Council of India (NAAC) last year with a score of 3.35 CGPA in the State. First in Manipur and second in the North East region and this says something very, very significant. Important to note too that this institution is situated at Maram, a good 85 kilometres away from Imphal and underlining the crucial point that not all excellent educational institutions need to be located at the capital. Excellent is the word that comes to mind when one talks about this institute for remember Don Bosco, Maram was established only in the year 2000 and the stride it has made in the last 16 years is proof that given the right approach and dedication, excellence can be achieved.

College with Potential for Excellence is the declaration of the University Grants Commission while referring to this institute and this is all that more remarkable when viewed against the ground reality that there is nothing much to write home about when it comes to education at the college level here in Manipur. Tough to say what it is that makes an educational institute tick but it would do good for all to note that not a single day is lost in this college due to bandh or strike. This should be an eye opener for remember how students in other institutes, specially at Imphal, lose numerous days each academic year due to strikes and bandhs. 80 percent attendance is mandatory in this college, as the Principal pointed out, during an interaction  with The Sangai Express and this should say something about how a conducive environment has been created for the students to pursue their academic activities. This is here where credit should be given to the people of Maram for ensuring an atmosphere that does not disturb the academic life of the students. Can the rest of Manipur say this ?


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