Imphal-Moreh road bandh total


E-Front-__-Imphal-Moreh-road-bandhChandel, Aug 11 : Vehicular movement along Imphal- Moreh road came to a grinding halt owing to the indefinite bandh called by the JAC Against the Murder of M Jamkholal Zou alias George.
Bandh supporters prohibited vehicular movement since early morning at H Kotlenphai village. They also put up banners and placards denouncing the killing and demanding action against the culprits.
Due to the bandh, all commercial and private vehicles stayed off the road. However emergency services, media and religious related vehicles were allowed to pass through after proper verification.
Speaking to mediapersons, a member of the JAC said the indefinite bandh was imposed as the State authorities failed to take up appropriate action(s) against those involved in the murder of M Jamkholal Zou. The bandh was not directed against any particular armed group or individual, he stated. He said factional killing amongst SoO signatory groups will continue and it will disturb peace in the district if no action is taken up against the responsible organisation (s) or individual (s). While demanding immediate action, the JAC member said it will intensify their agitation till necessary action is taken up against the responsible group (s)/individual (s).
It may be mentioned here that M Jamkholal Zou, a senior cadre of UKLF was murdered and dumped in Menal river along the international boundary of Manipur and Myanmar after he was abducted from his lodging hotel at Moreh on July 2 by some cadres of a rival group.


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