Multiple checkings inconvenience many


e-Front-__-Traffic-circusIMPHAL, Aug 30: It’s time the Government ponders whether random, multiple checking of motor vehicles by police, TCP and Motor Vehicle officials have been causing undue harassments to travellers and commuters.
In view of the State’s volatile law and order situation, police may check vehicles at specific areas to thwart possible subversive activities but such checkings should not be a cause of harassment to travellers.
Since sometime back, TCP has been authorised to check vehicle documents and impose fines against defaulters. Accordingly, TCP has been checking all types of vehicles at different places of Imphal such as North AOC, Khongnang Ani Karak, Lamlong Keithel etc.
These checkings done by TCP are basically aimed at ensuring compliance with traffic rules. Checkings done by TCP, police and Motor Vehicle have the same purpose.
If a man is driving a vehicle without the necessary set of documents, he/she may be fined thrice by police, TCP and Motor Vehicle.
Meanwhile, many citizens have suggested restriction of TCP’s duty to traffic management alone.
One Ibomcha of Sekta told The Sangai Express said that checking of vehicle documents may be entirely entrusted to Motor Vehicle while sparing TCP from such duties.
While pointing out that Lamlong Keithel has become quite congested, one Prahlad of Khurai remarked that TCP personnel as well as VDF personnel have all their attention on trucks carrying sand or stones. Whenever these vehicles arrive, they rush out in groups without giving any thought to the traffic snarls.
Saying that lack of parking space is one major factor for congestion and over-crowding at Khwairamband, he suggested shifting of VIP quarters from Khwairamband in order to make space for parking lots.
Rabi Sharma of Bamon Leikai expressed keen desire to deploy TCP personnel at the New Thumbuthong-Imphal-Moreh highway junction.
Although a large number of TCP personnel are deployed at Moirangkhom, they help very little in traffic management. A few personnel may be from removed from Moirangkhom and stationed at the traffic junction of New Thumbuthong, he added.


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