When there is no hope and no smile


Along with the advancement in the technology that provide us with luxury and comforts; there are also many developing new types of species and organisms that affect the human body, threatening human existence.
Nobody is eternal, but they deserve a dignified death. Death and dying must be given the same respect as birth and life.
Life goes on every day, sometimes forgetting that we will be separated from our body someday. Nobody can neither fasten nor postpone death; but can provide relief from pain and other symptoms and affirms life and regard dying as a normal process. There are many people who are suffering from many kinds of incurable diseases. “They have stopped living even before their death”.
Are they the only people who will be suffering from such diseases? Can Palliative Care provide them the dignified death?
Palliative Care is the active total care of patient whose disease is not responsive to curative treatment. Control of symptoms such as pain and relief from psychological support, social and spiritual problem is paramount. Palliative Care also includes consideration of family’s needs before and after the patient’s death. Terminal Care is an important part of Palliative Care and usually refers to the management of patient during their last few days, weeks or months of life; at which point it becomes clear that the patient is in a progressive state of decline. The goal of Palliative Care is achievement of the best possible quality of life for patients and their families.
Palliative Care can be successful only with the involvement of the community as it is for each individual and for the community as a whole. So taking this opportunity I request the people of the state to come forward thinking for our future. We need volunteers who will spare us their precious time for those in need. Keeping in mind; life is not always smooth going and we cannot predict what can be my future. “I may suffer from an incurable disease, I may be rich now but my financial status may decline, my family may have no time for me, I may be lying in the bed and not even able to get up for my needs, I may have no one to talk about my feelings, no one to share my pain with”. But this is the time we the Palliative Care Society will reach out for you and just for you. This is a society through which I will be able to die with loving care.
1. International Conference (1st PALUCON) has been held.
2. Total number of patients given care by PCSI is 28.
3. Nurses’ conference has been conducted.
4. College and school students interactions have been conducted.
5. Awareness cycle rally has been conducted.
6. Awareness talk has been conducted.
7. Total awareness programmes conducted by PCSI is 2O
(The writer is a member of Palliative Care Society, Imphal)


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