Public nuisance in the name of fashion Farce at Uripok-Kangchup road


Blocking one side of the road because of a fashion parade to mark the opening of a studio cum academy of a noted fashion designer and things cannot get more farcical than this. Those who had the misfortune of taking the Uripok-Kangchup road on September 24 will understand the immense inconvenience caused to the public and this is something which should not be taken lightly. More than evident that the Government was in the know of the special arrangement being made, for it was no one lesser than Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam and his Cabinet colleagues, Commerce and Industries Minister Govindas Konthoujam and Forest Minister I Hemochandra who attended the gala opening of the studio cum academy.

Top this off with the fact that a fashion parade was held in the evening and one can imagine the huge crowd that must have turned up to witness the event. Underlines the point that the venue was wrong. More wrong than this was the decision to block one side of the road just because of the inauguration of a studio cum academy. Just how did some people come under the impression that a road can be blocked for reasons that were purely personal ? No doubt the studio cum academy can and will benefit youngsters in  the field of fashion as well as aspiring models, but this cannot justify the decision to block one side of the road. No way.

It is this mindset that is deeply disturbing. If the three VIPs are really leaders of the people then they should have acted responsibly and advised the organisers of the event not to inconvenience the public by blocking the road. Unfortunately this did not happen and what unfolded at the spot where the event was held exposed the mindset of the people in positions of power and influence. This is unacceptable. It would have made much more sense if the fashion parade had been held somewhere else for example at BOAT.

A clear indication that no thought was ever given and this is not at all acceptable. Imagine what the situation would have been like if a major disaster had occurred and rescuers had to pass through this particular stretch of the road. How about the sick who need immediate medical attention ? This is not how events should be organised and absolutely makes no sense to subject the common people to all sorts of inconvenience in the name of fashion.


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