Meenashu Yaroi, Lainashu Yaroi – Against natural justice


DESAM needs to be noted. This is not a case of taking sides, but taking due note of what is universally known as natural justice. In deciding to adopt the reservation norms of 2006, the Academic Council of Manipur University may be under the impression that they are following the norm that is applicable across the country, but there must be a reason why this was overruled by the Central Education Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Amendment Act of 2012. The important question at this point of time is whether the Academic Council of MU took the decision according to its wisdom or under pressure from other quarters. Uncomfortable question, it surely is, but as DESAM pointed out it was against  the ruling of the High Court of Manipur which said that admission to PG Courses in MU must be under the 2012 Amendment Act. This was first passed on September 1, 2015 and this was reiterated on October 3, 2016. Now the question is what now if the High Court of Manipur takes due cognizance of the decision of the Academic Council ? Will it be a question of another period of uncertainty leaving the fate of thousands of students in the lurch ? It is here that a recap of the 2012 Amendment Act may be in line. After MU was converted to a Central University, the 2012 Amendment Act laid down that reservation in admission should be along the line of 31 pc for ST, 2 pc for SC and 17 pc for OBC. This was in line with the demography of the State where ST constitute 43 pc of the population, SC 5 pc and OBC 52 pc.

Meenashu Yaroi, Lainashu Yaroi (This will not be accepted by men and by God). This is the stand of DESAM and while it remains to be seen how things will unfold, it is hard to digest that this is happening in the highest seat of learning in the State. Apart from the technical shortcomings in the decision of the Academic Council of the university, the overall situation in the State too needs to be kept in mind. That this was conveniently overlooked is what is hard to digest. What is wrong in sticking to the 2012 Amendment Act ? Sticking to this cannot and should not be seen as an appeasement policy but keeping the reality in mind. The facts and figures should speak for itself. Reservation per se may not be the ideal situation but as long this policy is being followed, there is no reason why this should be overlooked. That the Academic Council overlooked this bare fact is what is disturbing to note. Nothing seems to be going right at the university at the moment and this is a matter of grave concern to all. Remember this is already October and while other universities started their semesters months back, MU continues to be caught at the stage of admission. The loss will be immense for remember one is talking about students who are in their post graduation stage and every minute counts.


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