Phuba Khuman Village

Waterfall near Phuba village
Waterfall near Phuba village

Phuba Khuman is also called as “PHYABU” which means the original home of all the PHYAMAI. It is a village in Paomata Tehsil of Senapati District, Manipur. The name Phuba Khuman was given by the Meiteis.

It is located around 40 KM towards east from district head quarters Senapati and 92 KM from Imphal.

Views and Landscape of Phuba Village which is located under Senapati District of Manipur.
Views and Landscape of Phuba Village which is located under Senapati District of Manipur.

Phuba Khuman is one of 20 villages in Paomata block along with villages like Khaikho and Phuba Thapham. It is surrounded by Purul Tehsil towards South , Tadubi Tehsil towards west , Pfutsero Tehsil towards North , Chingai Tehsil towards East.

Paddy rice, maize, potato, cabbage, cereals are the main economic crops of the village where rice is the staple food. Poultry and fishery are common as well.

Villagers of Phuba in their traditional attires.
Villagers of Phuba in their traditional attires.

Young and Old still preserved and followed their traditions, their culture which has been pass through from their ancestors.

 The village can be named as one among others. It has spectacular breathtaking landscape, waterfall, streams and caves that have not been fully explored except for few. It is also a very peaceful village and the villagers are also very friendly.



  1. if this happens in Thailand, the village will make million $ as village tourism. Unluckily we have to wait a few generations to lay the ground of safety, fearless journey from gangsters, robbery, transportation, road, etc…

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