Chaoba threatens to quit BJP over rally fracas


State BJP leader Th Chaoba has today demanded resignation of Prahlad Singh Patel, who is in-charge of Northeast and J & K maintaining that the latter is responsible for instigating national leaders to stay away from yesterday’s political conference in Tera Bazar.

Th Chaoba, who is also the convener of BJP state election management committee, was speaking to the media at the Tera Bazar residence of BJP aspiring candidate of Patsoi Assembly constituency, Sapam Kunjakishwar alias Keba here today.

He also threatened mass resignation of aspiring candidates of the party if they are denied election tickets.

Clarifying over the unfortunate incident that happened yesterday, Chaoba said, “Yesterday’s incident had never happened in the history of Manipur BJP”.

He maintained that the preparation of the meeting was given approval by the national president of the party Amit Shah as well as Union minister Prakash Javadekar.

“Prakash Javadekar have also intimated to ‘go ahead with the meeting’ and assured his presence at Tera Bazar and accordingly Sapam Keba and his workers had gone ahead with the preparations”, he said.

He clarified that the national leaders took an unexpected u-turn of their decision. “Prakash Javadekar personally informed me over the phone in the wee hour not to attend the meeting though I was ready to attend it”, he added.

Sapam Keba has huge contribution to the state BJP, he said, adding that the facelift of the party office is Keba’s most significant contribution.

“Keba’s another major contribution was the successful reception arrangement of Narendra Modi at Patsoi public meeting in 2015”, he said.

BJP Manipur unit has been able to increase its membership since he took over as the president, claimed Chaoba. He said that in 2012 state BJP had only 12000 members and during his tenure he could enroll 4, 50,000 members. He alleged that Prakash Javadekar came in between to disintegrate the party.

He said that a detailed report have been submitted to the national leaders at Delhi. Party ticket for the upcoming will be decided by the parliamentary board at Delhi, he said that it is regretful that some undesirable state BJP leaders are trying to mishandle their duties.

Chaoba also added that Sapam Keba and P Sarat from Heingang are aspiring candidates who have huge potentials of winning the election. He said the two aspiring candidates should not be disheartened by the undesirable attitude of Parakash Javadekar.

Source: Imphal Free Press


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