CBSE changes dates of Class X, XII exams


561508-cbse-1NEW DELHI, Jan 27 :Addressing students’ concerns about the schedule of some papers, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has changed the examination dates of a few subjects of Class X and XII.

The dates of three papers of Class X — Tamil language (006), Gurung (132) and National Cadet Corps (076) — have been changed.

Also, the schedule of five papers of Class XII — Theatre studies (078), Tangkhul (193), Physical Education (048), Sociology (039) and Food Service-II (736) — has been altered.
The CBSE had advanced the board exam dates by nine days in the wake of elections in five States.

The Tamil language paper has been postponed by eight days, from March 10 to March 18, while that of Gurung language has been advanced from March 23 to March 10. NCC exam has also been delayed by eight days and it will be held on March 23 instead of March 15.
For Class XII, the date of Physical Education paper has been changed from April 10 to April 12 and of Sociology exam from April 12 to April 20.

The new date of Theatre Studies paper is April 10 instead of April 20, Tangkhul language exam will be conducted on April 10 and Food Service paper, which was to be held on April 29, will now take place on April 26.

Students and their parents had earlier complained there was no sufficient gap in the dates of Biology paper and Joint Entrance Examination 2017, but the CBSE has kept the schedule for Biology exam unchanged. 10,98,420 students will appear for the Class XII board exam, while 16,67,573 candidates will take Class X exam this year. PTI

Source: The Sangai Express


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