The story of BT road shootout incident so far.


A closer scrutiny of the story of head constable Th Herojit, reveals SP Imphal East, Akoijam Jhalajit is implicated in giving execution orders of Sanjit on July 23, 2009 at Maimu Pharmacy, BT road. The head constable confessed that he came rushing towards BT road on that fateful day when called over the wireless. The message that day called out to ‘mobile 13’ which is the call sign for Herojit and informed him that a shootout had happened at BT Road.

The image shows 5 policemen, two wearing pistols and the other on the right wears a blue cap. The person in the blue cap is additional SP AK Jhalajit on July 23, 2009. The second police commando wearing the twin white stripes is head constable Herojit.

This was a particular moment in time when Rabina was shot and Ch Sanjit had run away. The Mauser Werke make pistol was found at the entrance of Gambhir Singh Shopping arcade then. What followed after this particular time frame is, SP Jhalajit had ordered search operations to find the concerned militants and had left BT Road.

According to the testimony of head constable Herojit, a building near BT road was searched and had brought down 3 suspects. Policeman Toyaima had identified Ch Sanjit as the person who had shot at him. Then, Herojit had whisked Sanjit inside Maimu pharmacy and confiscated his mobile phone.

The sequence as reported by IFP on January 26, 2016 states that a conversation took place between Herojit and an unknown person, asking Herojit to spare Sanjit’s life and money would be paid. During the conversation, Herojit stated that the additional SP came there and met him. He told Jhalajit that Sanjit was the person they were looking for. The order of execution ‘Touthokhro’ was allegedly given by AK Jhalajit.

Source: Imphal Free Press


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