Explosive found and the disposed off


Imphal, 9 March 2017: CDO Imphal West along 6th Assam Rifles found explosive materials wrapped inside a black polythene bag, from a roadside of IVR of Naran Konjil, near Crematorium, P.S. Wangoi.

Reports say that they were frisking and checking the passersby along the road. They said that it might have been dropped from a red Maruti Car, who turn around and drove back.

As soon as they found it, they called up the BDS Team. When they open the bag, they found the explosive materials listed as belows:
(a) Exp Gel – 35 nos (4.375 kgs)
(b) PEK bar – Approx 250 gms
(c) Gun Powder – 200 gms
(d) Detonators – 06 nos
(e) Sharpnels – 3 packets
(f) Electric Wires – 10 m
(g) Cordtex – 05 x 10 cm wires.
Later, all these explosive materials have been disposed off at the bank of Chandranadi river around 6.05 pm.


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