UNC blockade disrupts GoI-NSCN (IM) talks

After the United Naga Council (UNC)-spearheaded economic blockade on Manipur since November 1, 2016, there has been no talks between Centre’s  Interlocutor for Naga Talks R.N. Ravi and NSCN (I-M) leaders for over a month. Both sides used to hold both formal and non formal meetings almost on a regular basis but the UNC economic blockade appears to have caused some disruption.
According to reliable sources, Ravi has not been available for the meetings, which used to be held at least twice or thrice a week. Sources said Ravi appeared to have been “upset” with the economic blockade and “NSCN’s highhandedness”. The source also went on to state that solution would be difficult to achieve, if “NSCN keeps fighting the stakeholders”.
It maybe be mentioned that in recent interviews to various sections of media, Ravi had said that UNC economic blockade in Manipur would have a serious impact on the Naga peace talks.
Ravi was also quoted as saying that the blockade had brought about serious misapprehension between the Nagas and non-Nagas in the Northeast and which would make his task of finding an early amicable solution to Naga issue difficult.
Ravi also expressed displeasure over the “stubborn attitude” of NSCN (I-M) on the issue of economic blockade. He also expressed serious concern that the attitude of the group’s leaders would have adverse impact on the progress of the talks.

Source: Nagaland Post


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