After CCTVs, traffic signal lights to be probed


IMPHAL, Apr 1 : Barely 24 hours after the State Government decided to constitute an inquiry panel to probe the process of procuring and installing CCTVs at some key locations in Imphal and to fix responsibilities, if any, the State Government has decided to conduct an inquiry into the procurement, installation and commissioning of traffic signal lights to ascertain the facts and find the officers responsible for lapses, if any.

An order to this effect was issued by the Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Dr J Suresh Babu today and the inquiry panel will be headed by Pramod Ashtana, Additional DGP as chairman and will have Sumant Singh, IAS, Secretary (RD and PR) and IGP, IPS, Clay Khongsai as members.

The probe has been ordered as it has been brought to the notice of the State Government that the traffic signal lights installed at Imphal areas are not functional due to sub-standard quality of the equipment.

The traffic signals were procured after the State MAHUD Department sanctioned a sum of Rs 1,93,75,000 in 2005 for installation, testing and commissioning of LED based traffic signal with solar power and back up at 12 junctions in Imphal city.

The MAHUD Department deposited the amount with the Electrical division of PWD in 2011.
The inquiry committee will inquire into the process of tender, procurement, installation and commissioning of traffic signal lights and find out lapses, if any, and identify the persons responsible for such lapses.

The inquiry report should be submitted to the Government within a period of 15 days time from today, said a statement issued by DIPR.

Source: The Sangai Express


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