4 Territorial Army personnel injured in IED attack in Manipur

Security forces including the Army, Assam Rifles and Manipur police are carrying out massive combing operations to nab the militants inside thick jungle and nearby areas.

IMPHAL: Four Territorial Army personnel were injured in an IED explosion carried out by militants in Tengnoupal district of Manipur today, police said.

The condition of two of the injured was serious and they have been airlifted by an IAF helicopter to the Army Hospital at Leimakhong.

The powerful IED exploded at about 5.50 AM when an army vehicle carrying personnel of the 165th Territorial Army on a Road Opening Party patrol was passing through Lokchao village along the Asian Highway (AH) No-1, the police said.

The injured personnel were identified as sepoy Arjun, naik Vaseso, subedar Michandra and sepoy Govind.

Security forces including the Army, Assam Rifles and Manipur police are carrying out massive combing operations to nab the militants inside thick jungle and nearby areas.

The area is located 23 km from the Indo-Myanmar border and falls within limits of Moreh police station.

Source: Economic Times


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