Nurses are heart beat of healthcare


Dr Yumnam Sundary
Unfortunately, many people seem to think that the most important people in the health care system are doctors; but this is simply not correct. Ever the underdog, nurses play a vital role in all of our medical institutions, being responsible for the welfare, safety and recovery of the patients. Nurses have an anormous amount of knowledge and many diverse skills they spend years perfecting and developing, all the time working in tough environment where extreme stress is just part of their service. Nurses help bring new life in to the world, care tirelessly for the sick and injury, and sometimes watch the patients they did anything to save but passed away despite their best efforts. In many occasions, it was a vigilant nurse who noticed a mistake in a doctor’s procedure and prescriptions in time to save some ones life. Nurses have deep practical knowledge of delivering best health care services and they are the back bone of the health care delivery system. National nurses association (NNA) plays an important role in making nurses well informed, advised, encouraged and supported to deliver better work. NNA work with the govt. and non govt organizations to strengthen the health care system as well as create maximizing the nurses contribution.

International council of nurses celebrates the international nurses week aiming to increase the public awareness about nursing services and nurses contribution towards the health care innovation. Nurses are the fast and first point on contracting for health services. Nurses are innovatively practiced to provide for health checkup to the industries indicating their willingness of improving the health of the staff, to meet all the local needs, to improve the physical, mental and social well- being of the patient and etc. The care given by the nurse is something unconditional, where’’ the blind can see, the deaf can hear and the dump can speak’’

International nurses day was first proposed by the Dorothy Sutherland in 1953( an officer from the US Department of health, education and welfare ) to the president Dwight D Eisenhower. At first the president refused to approve the proposal but latter on in January 1974, the 12th May was declared as the birthday anniversary of the founder of modern nursing , the Florence Nightingale till today. And the contemporary nursing of today is through her contribution to the modern nursing which every nurse should not forget. International Nurses Kit ( having educational, public information materials to be used by the nurses among public) is prepared and distributed every year by the International Council of Nurses while celebrating the nurses day.

International Nurses Day is celebrated every year by organizing a candle lamp service in the Westminster Abbey, London. A candle lamp is handed over from one nurse to another(symbolizing the passing of the knowledge from one nurse to another) to place at St.Margret’s church, the Florence Nightingale’s burial place, a day after her birth day. It was celebrated for a week long in the US and Canada as a National Nursing Week from 6th to 12th May targeting the health care services on international level. This celebration also recognized the contributions and commitments of the nurses among common public.

American Nurses Association supports and encourages the celebration of Nurses Week all through States and Districs Nurses association including other health care companies and institutions. The whole week celebration is planned to commemorate the nurses’ significant role in caring patients including educational seminars, variety of community events, debates, competitions, discussions and etc.

The Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI), Manipur State Branch, Uripok Khumanthem Leikal , Imphal, also started the venerate celebration of the International Nurses Week jointly with the Students Nurses Association of India, Manipur State Branch from 3rd to 5th May 2017, in different Nursing educational institutions in the state. The TNAI, Manipur branch organized the various activities like, Debate, Floor Decoration(Rangooli), spot painting, Quiz and poster presentation at the state level and the games and sports will be done on 17th May 2017(delayed due to the non availability of the ground ).

Nursing is the largest health care profession in the world and nurses are the key of achieving the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs). Nurses are well trained and educated for maintaining the health and wellness of the patients through all the aspects like psychological, social and etc.

The National nurses association (NNA) play an important role in making nurses well informed, adviced, encouraged and supported to deliver better work. NNA work to strengthen the health care system as well as create conditions maximizing the nurses contribution.
My worry on this International nurses week celebration is that, are we able to achieve the theme which is being listed from the time we celebrated International Nurses Week tiil date.’’ Nurse: A Force for change: Improving health system resilience’’, as the theme of the last year (2016) International Nurses Day celebration. In connection with this celebration I was invited by Shija Academy of Nursing as a panelist. It was a wonderful experience to see the motivation from the Managing Director and his both medical and nursing team, all the participants who actively participated on gearing up the nursing personnel on how and when to face health challenges occuring at any time. The govt. and non govt organization need to look into the growth of the nursing service so and so to the health care system. Both the nurse and doctor should be safe guarded for the development of the State health status. The salary given to the nurses working in the private Hospitals, clinics, educational institute and etc should be up to the mark. There is an order by the supreme court telling that the minimum salary of a trained nurses in the private sector should not be less than Rs. 20.000/ (twenty thousand) and the order has been directed and sent to the state health commissioners for necessary action . There is saying that the new broom sweeps well, but how long the broom lasts no body knows. It should not happen to young and old nursing practiceners, educationists and etc. International Nurses Day celebration should not be only on the week , 6th to 12th May. Please make every day as International Nurses Week celebration day and please try to contribute your share as a nurse to achieve the theme laid down on this mark of International Nurses Week ‘’Nursing; A voice to lead- Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals’’.

(The writer is working at RIMS and can be reached at


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