RRM Journey for Medical Camp at Azuram Village and nearby Village


Royal Riders Manipur (RRM) including 4 Doctors conducted one day”Free Health Camp” which was conducted on May 12, 2017, at Azuram Village of Tousem Sub-Division under Tamenglong District. Villagers of Azuram and nearby Village attended the camp and check-up their health. RRM started their journey for this Camp on May 11, 2017 from their Langol Office.

It was conducted as part of the 9th Mahousa Ima Ningsing Tha – 2017, A Month Long Environmental Campaign of RRM under the theme “Connecting People to Nature” of United Nation, World Environment Day Celebration.

Around 200 villagers of Azuram and Villagers of nearby Village coming to attend Free Health Camp including young and old attended the medical camp. Later trees were also handed over the Chairman of Azuam Village for tree plantation.

Photos by: Ranbir Laishram


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