NPF-led DAN to support NDA Candidate


The Naga People’s Front has always been an ally of the non-Congress national party since the late 1970s and this alliance was renewed and strengthened in the early part of 2003 when the non-Congress political parties came together and formed the Democratic Alliance of Nagaland where the then Chairman of the NDA George Fernandes himself was a signatory to the agreement.

Ever since, the Alliance has continued to grow from strength to strength with presently the NPF and the BJP, with the support of the 7 Independent MLAs, maintaining the spirit of healthy alliance, especially after the formation of North East Democratic Alliance in May last year with the BJP and the NPF being the principal parties in NEDA, which saw the relationship extend to the neighbouring State of Manipur where the four NPF legislators are part of the BJP-led Government.

The alliance forged with the BJP is based on Principles, and not for petty gains or power, and is to ensure maximum benefit, development and good governance to the people of the region. The Alliance has come thus far and it shall continue in the years to come.

NPF is a permanent ally of the BJP and NDA, and considering that the NPF is also a principal component of the NEDA, the NPF-led DAN Government will vote without any hesitation in favour of the candidate proposed by the NDA to be the next President of India.

This Press Release was sent by CMO Media Cell on behalf of Dr Shurhozelie Liezietsu, CM of Nagaland, and can be contacted at cmomediacell(at)gmail(dot)com.


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