Liquor samples collected, more rush to different hospitals ; Death toll in liquor tragedy climbs to four


Imphal, July 30 2017: The death toll in the Oinam Sawombung liquor tragedy that has already claimed two lives climbed to four today with two more men losing their lives last night and today afternoon.

55 years old Khumanthem Muhindro of Sawombung Mayai Leikai, who was rushed to RIMS yesterday after he complained of severe dizziness, vomiting tendency, blurred sight and other problems, passed away yesterday at about 10.30 pm.

He had also consumed the same liquor along with the others who have been admitted to different hospitals at Imphal.

A second tragedy struck the Oinam family as another person identified as Oinam Brojendro too passed away after being treated at Shija Hospital and incidentally, Brojendro is the younger brother of Oinam Shyam who passed away yesterday evening at RIMS, after consuming the same liquor.

According to doctors from Shija hospital, the liquor had extensively damaged Brojendro’s kidney and dialysis was done twice to revive him, but to no avail.

He reportedly passed away while he was being taken back home.

According to records available at the police picket at RIMS, a total of 64 ‘liquor’ patients were admitted to RIMS Casualty Ward yesterday and today.

Oinam Shyam, the elder brother of Brojendro passed away yesterday at about 3 pm at RIMS while another person identified as Khumanthem Muhindro (55) too passed away at about 10.30 pm yesterday.

According to RIMS hospital, 15 patients who were admitted there yesterday have been discharged after their conditions improved while some patients have been taken to private hospitals from RIMS by their family members.

At Shija hospital, out of the four who were admitted there, yesterday one passed away early morning yesterday at about 7.

Three more were admitted to Shija hospital today.

Significantly all of them are suffering from kidney failure and they are on dialysis, according to the PRO of Shija Hospital.

Six more patients are currently undergoing treatment at the ICU ward of Raj Medicity.

Meanwhile, post mortem was conducted on the bodies of Oinam Shyam and Khumanthem Muhindro at RIMS morgue and the bodies were handed over to the respective families.

Local womenfolk of Oinam Sawombung who had gathered at Ibudhou Ereima Community Hall stated that they have come to learn that the liquor was procured from a nearby village.

They are however yet to know from who the liquor was bought as one of the two liquor vendors, Ashem Shyamsunder is still undergoing treatment at Raj Medicity while the other, Elangbam Imo cannot be found after his treatment at RIMS last night.

A team of Imphal West police under the command of Mayang Imphal PS SDPO Basulal and led by Wangoi PS OC seized all the locally brewed liquor from Leishangkhong Kabui village today.

A mother and a son have been pulled up for questioning from the village, said a source.

Food safety team also collected some liquor samples from the village and inspected the houses where liquor is brewed.

Source: The Sangai Express


  1. If liquor business cannot be banned, it should be legalized with proper safety standards and through licence. State will also get a revenue from it besides getting an official statistics of how much is being produced and consumed by the people. This statistics can help in the required initiatives and aware campaigns about drinking.

    Instead, in the current situation, two brothers have lost lives and people will simply shame the family members. Nothing else will change on the ground. People will continue drinking stealthily.


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