NEFIS welcomes Supreme Court Order directing CBI to conduct Investigation into cases of extra-judicial killings!


NEFIS Welcomes Supreme Court Order Directing CBI To Conduct Investigation Into Cases Of Extra-Judicial Killings!

Stand Of Democratic Movement Against Afspa Vindicated!

Scrapping Of Afspa By Central Govt. Next Logical Move!

North-East Forum for International Solidarity (NEFIS) welcomes the order of Supreme Court directing Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to conduct inquiry into the cases of extra-judicial killings in Manipur by the Army, the Assam Rifles and Manipur Police. The present ruling also pointed out the compromised nature of the investigation which would result if one depeneded on the State Police to probe such cases. It should be known that Manipur Police has not registered any FIRs at the behest of the kin of those killed in encounters.

This decision is a step ahead in repealment of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) which gives soldiers sweeping powers to arrest or interrogate people in “disturbed areas” or states dealing with separatists or insurgents. This law has been used by the army to use draconian measures against Indian people.

NEFIS believes that by denying the right to rule of law, the Indian state has kept North-East people relegated to the status of second class citizenry in the country that claims itself to be the world’s largest democracy. While NEFIS welcomes this move as a vindication of democratic movement against AFSPA, one has to see what more can be achieved on the ground. It awaits the repealment of AFSPA, only which could restore civil liberties in the North-East.

Chinglen Khumukcham,
North-East Forum for International Solidarity (NEFIS)
E-mail: nefis(dot)delhi(at)gmail(dot)com

This Press Release was sent by North-East Forum For International Solidarity, who can be contacted at nefis(dot)delhi(at)gmail(dot)com.


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