Womenfolk protest Lambui attack


Ukhrul, July 04 2017: To denounce the bomb attack on June 30 at the Assam Rifles check post at Ramva on the Imphal-Ukhrul road that killed a Rifleman and severely injured two others, the Ramva Village Women League today staged a peaceful sit in protest .

The womenfolk strongly condemned the bomb blast in the village and a member of the Women League, Yarmila said that it has created a panicky situation in the surrounding villages and traumatized the village womenfolk and children .

Since June 30 after the bomb blast, the village market shed has been shut down .

The women who come to the village to sell vegetables, fruits and other farm products daily to earn their income have had to forgo their daily chores of earning something for the family .

The Assam Rifles post where the bomb blast occurred is situated just opposite the market shed about 5 metres away and the blast occurred at about 7.10 am which is a busy time at the market .

The well shielded AR checkpost counter had prevented civilian casualties, she added .

According to the womenfolk, the market shed provide the avenue to sell their goods for their livelihood and women from 5 surrounding villages come their daily to sell their wares .

The Women League demanded the State Government to book the perpetrators/culprits involved in the bomb attack and punish them as per the law of the land .

They further urged any group or individual responsible for the attack to shun violence in future .

Any issue or misunderstanding can be resolved through negotiation or dialogue.

Violence would bring no solution but spread chaos and sorrow to the people .

The womenfolk held placards which read “We want peace, Ramva loves peace, we strongly condemn bomb attack, we share the grief of the bereaved family” etc .

Ramva Village Authority, village youth club, TSL, TNL and TNZL also joined the protest and condemned the bomb attack .

BJP, Ukhrul district has also condemned the bomb blast and termed it an act of cowardice .

Killing will not bring any solution but on the contrary innocent people will be victims, they said

They further appealed to all to refrain from violence.

Source: The Sangai Express


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