CorCom, ULFA call total shutdown


Imphal, August 12 2017: The Coordination Committee (CorCom), Garo National Liberation Army (GNLA), United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) and the United People’s Liberation Army (UPLA) have called for total shutdown in the entire North East region (WESEA) from 1 am to 6.30 pm of August 15 .

A joint statement issued by the rebel outfits called upon peoples of WESEA Region to boycott and prevent celebration of India’s Independence Day in the region on August 15, as a strong voice of resistance against Indian occupation as well as repression of the region.

“To mark our people’s collective defiance on this day, a general strike shall be observed throughout the region from 1 am to 6.30 pm”, it said.

This year, India under the premiership of Narendra Modi who boasted that he confronts the world “Eye to Eye”, is getting ready for the 70th Independence Day celebration with a grand display of its military power and hardware, perhaps attempting to outdo the Chinese PLA’s 90th anniversary celebration on July 30, 2017 which was indeed very impressive .

Perhaps, it is also a sign of nervousness or apprehension of the Indian Government at the border fracas at Drok La or Drong Lam, the tri-junction of the region’s close to the international border with China; and hence to hide the same .

India’s policy towards China is now wide open as the facts of the Drong Lam (Drok La) impasse is vivisected by the experts exposing her weakness and helplessness of the situation to the full view of the world to see .

In the allegedly occupied WESEA region bordering China, specially in Assam and Manipur, the Indian administration is celebrating the event with an unprecedented 3 to 5 days fanfare with road shows, motor cycle rallies etc.

called Tiranga rally to colour-coat the region’s people with Indian Nationalism .

The celebration of the Indian Independence Day behind security cordon, herding people and school children with coercion into the parade grounds will be repeated again this year .

Obviously, it is to hoodwink the world that the region is an integral part of India, and quite contented; despite keeping the region’s peoples subjugated under alleged colonial hegemonic rule with repressive and draconian laws, alleged the statement .

It is also to saffronise the region by the new Modi Govt at Delhi with its’ slogan of “One Country, One people, One culture” which has a hidden agenda to obliterate and assimilate all the indigenous peoples of WESEA region who are racially, culturally, and in every aspect quite distinct from India; with unchecked and deliberated heavy influx from the Indian mainland .

India is hell bent to suppress the liberation struggles with massive militarisation using overt and covert tactics, keeping the people under coercion with brutal oppression, making people pauperised with colonial economic policy so as to make her scheme of things successful, it alleged .

“Keeping faith in the collective strength of our Region, we appeal to all our peoples to once again display their solidarity against India, the common enemy, by making the boycott and general strike a complete success and to remain indoors throughout the day”, it continued .

“During the protest hours from 1 am to 6.30 pm, we are calling for total shutdown of educational institutions and other training facilities, shops, business establishments, factories and all forms of transport.

However all the emergency services including media and religious activities will remain as usual”, it added.

Source: The Sangai Express


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