Nagaland: NPF Youth serve Ultimatum to Rio


Whereas, it has come to our notice that an office said to be NPF office has been inaugurated at Hotel Legacy, Bayavu Hill, Kohima, which was unauthorized and illegal, by so-called Interim President Neiphiu Rio on August 10, 2017 which falls under the jurisdiction of 10 Northern Angami I Assembly Constituency;

And whereas, NPF has only one President Dr Shurhozelie Liezietsu who was duly elected in the General Convention on 26 November 2014 and the same was reaffirmed on 30th April 2015 and there is no other President, Interim or otherwise;

And whereas, the NPF has its legitimate and functional Headquarter in the State Capital below Hotel Japfu at Sokriezie and there is no other authorized NPF office at Kohima except Division and AC Unit offices;

And whereas, the action of Shri Neiphiu Rio and his supporters opening an illegal NPF office under our jurisdiction is a direct challenge to our authority which is highly provocative and invites direct confrontation;

Now, therefore, this ultimatum is served to the so-called NPF office at Hotel Legacy at Bayavu to close down the office and remove all NPF flags around on or before 13 August 2017, failure to comply with this ultimatum will invite repercussions of extreme degree and for which Shri Neiphiu Rio will be held solely responsible.

(Vilielhou Suokhrie), President, NPF Youth Wing, 10 NA (I) AC

(Pfulikhrie Keretsu), Vice President, NPF Youth Wing, 10 NA (I) AC

This Press Release was sent by NPF Bureau, who can be contacted at npfpressbureau(at)rediffmail(dot)com.


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