Nagaland: TR Zeliang spoke at the Commissioning Programme of 66kv Transmission Line


Chief Minister, TR Zeliang speaking at the Commissioning Programme of 66kv Transmission Line from Ganeshnagar to Jalukie charged at 33KV and 5 MVA 33/11 Sub-station as Chief Guest at Jalukie today called upon the general public ‘to judiciously utilise power supply and avoid power theft as responsible consumers.’

‘It is a matter of great concern that in the last financial year, against a power purchase cost of Rs.281.97 Crores, Power Department could recover an amount of only Rs.116.42 Crores burdening the State with a huge revenue gap of Rs. 165.55 Crores,’ he cited.
‘Our people have a common tendency of taking availability of electricity and its usage in our day to day lives for granted and cost free but what we tend to remain blissfully ignorant of, is the fact that electricity is generated, purchased, transmitted and distributed at great cost and thus what is consumed needs to be paid for,’ he said.

Expressing his gratitude to the Ministry of DONER for funding the Project and the State Power Department for successfully implementing it, the Chief Minister said that the up-gradation from 33KV to 66KV Line will boost the economy and facilitate the growth of industries and commerce in Peren District. ‘Today is truly a red-letter day for the people of Peren District which marks the fulfilment of a long cherished dream of the people’, he said.
While recalling other important Projects implemented in the District, the Chief Minister said that Sainik School at Punglwa; College of Veterinary, Science & Animal Husbandry at Jalukie, Farmers Training School at Jalukie were one of its kind implemented in the District apart from the 66KV Transmission Line and 5MVA,33/11 Sub-station at Jalukie. ‘Peren District since its inception as a full-fledged District on 11th of February 2004 had many needs and wants but, over the years with the active cooperation of the people of the District and the generous financial and technical support of the GOI, the State Govt of Nagaland and NEC, we have been extremely fortunate in bridging-up many of the gaps” he said.

‘Over 5 decades since Statehood, there are still several villages in the State that do not have power connectivity but Peren district has attained 100% achievement in Rural Electrification’ he announced adding that the electrification of 17 new villages covering 396 rural households under the Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DUGJY) were completed last month Beisumpuilwo, Jalukie Rongkaidai, Khelma, New Soget, Sailem, Beisumpuiram, Tening Namsan, Poilwa Namci, Lilen-B, Songngou, Old Soget, Gobibung, New Chamcha, Beisumlo, Lower Sinjol, Old Nkio, Bamsiakilo. ‘Power is a basic necessity for all economic development activity and now with the upgraded transmission line and the new Sub-station made available, there is wide scope for mechanization of farming and other agricultural activities in the District’ he said.

Also highlighting the importance of technology in checking corrupt practices and theft in the Power Sector, the Chief Minister said that, Power Department ‘has adopted measures to increase the number of Payment Counters and has also started setting up Online Payment facilities which will be taken up in a phased manner.’ To facilitate ‘Right of Way’ for electricity line and Sub-station line over land and forest in the State, the Chief Minister appealed to all the Citizens ‘not only to inculcate the habit of prompt and full payment of their electricity bills but also to come forward generously and provide all required assistance such as ‘Right of Way’ wherever activities by Power Department were being taken up.’‘Let us continue to work with renewed dedication towards making Nagaland a more developed and prosperous State,’ he added.

The Chief Minister along with Colleagues and Government Officials pose for the lens after the Inauguration Ceremony, Jalukie Town on Saturday

A Red-letter day for the people of Peren District.
Power supply to Peren district has been fed through a 33 kV line originating from Nagarjan sub-station, passing through Chumukedima, Medziphema and Jalukie. This line is more than 35 years old and passes through jungle and prone to frequent line fault besides snapping of conductors. Due to this, power supply has been very unstable leading to public resentment and complaints. As a result, the socio-economic activities and development has been adversely affected.

With a view to improve and provide stable power supply to the district this project was conceived to construct a new 66 kVtransmission line from the IndustrialGrowth Center, Ganeshnagar to Peren via Jalukie and 5 MVA sub-stations at Jalukie and Peren. The project was recommended by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) on 10/04/2007. Subsequently, DoNER sanctioned an amount of Rs 2178.44 lakhs against a DPR cost of Rs 2548.00 lakhs.
Work Order for the project was awarded to M/s MakpowerEngineers, Kolkata on 16/03/2010. Work on the transmission line was slow initially due to Right of Way issues compelling change of route in some locations compounded with short working season and bad roads. Constructions of the sub-stations were also delayed due to change of sub-station site of both the Jalukie and Peren sub-stations. The work has therefore been reassessed to incorporate all the required changes as per site conditions amounting to a total of Rs2541.44 lakhs and consist of the following components:
a. Construction of 66 kVtransmission line of 35.8 Km amounting to Rs 1578.58 lakhs. This will be initially operated at 33 kV as per CEA recommendation.
b. Construction of 5MVA, 33/11KV S/S at Jalukie with control room amounting to Rs 501.12 lakhs.
c. Construction of 5MVA, 33/11 KvS/S at Peren with control room, amounting to Rs 461.74 lakhs.

Today, we have the honour to have the Chief Minister of Nagaland TR Zeliang to commission the completed portion of the project namely;
1. The 66 kVtransmission line from Ganeshnagar to Jalukie and
2. The 5 MVA 33/11kV sub-station at Jalukie.

The remaining portion of the transmission from Jalukie to Peren and the sub-station in Peren are under implementation and scheduled to be commissioned by December 2017.


This Press Release was sent by T Navajyoti, who can be contacted at tnavajyoti(at)gmail(dot)com.


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