Rally On Protesting Against The Death Of Pravish In Noida At Uchiwa On 17th Sep


A Rally was organized by the Youth’s Forum for Protection of Human Rights and Youth Social Development Association on 17th September 2017  from Uchiwa Wangma Awang Leikai to Sekmaijin Thong in connection with the suspicious death of Mr. Pravish in Noida, U.P.

We fear that the organs of Mr. Pravish was been smuggled by the nexus between the Police and the Hospitals authority as the death body of Pravish was disposed without prior information been circulated across the police station within the state beside a complaint has been lodged with the Knowledge Park Police Station and a failure in paper publication to seeking to claim the unknown death body lying in the Government District Combined Hospital, Noida.

The rally was taken out to demand for Special Investigation by forming a Special Investigation Team to find out the reason of the death and punish the perpetrators according to the rule of Law.

This Press Release was sent by youthforum humanrights, who can be contacted at youthforum(dot)humanrights(at)gmail(dot)com.


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