On 08th & 09th September 2017 (Friday & Saturday)
Rani Jhansi Road (in front of Videocon Tower)NEW DELHI
Respected Brother and Sister, Political & Social Leaders and Thinkers, Social Engineer, Members and well-wisher of Society, you are cordially invited to attend two days open DISCUSSION/SEMINAR TO UNITE & STRENGTHENING SC/ST/OBC/MINORITIES & ALL WEEKER SECTIONS of the INDIAN SOCIETY by Providing Them AN ALTERNATE & STRONG
Your kind presence will encourage us and the society at large.
A. 1200 hrs Lunch
B. 1230 hrs 1st Session Start
C. 1230 hrs to 1600 hrs 1st Session of Discussion.
Blessings for Success by Dr B D Raje ji,National Coordinator of HSDO.
Opening address by Hijam Rajendra Singha, National General Secretary of RJSP.
Briefing & welcome address by Mr Bhanu Pratap Singh, National President of RJSP.
D. 1600 hrs to 1700 hrs Tea Break
E. 1700 hrs to 2030 hrs 2nd Session of Discussion
F. 2030 Dinner
2nd Day i.e. 09/09/2017 (Saturday)
A. 0900 hrs Break Fast
B. 1000 hrs Final Session Start
C. 1000 hrs to 1330 hrs Final Session of Discussion.
Review, Finalization & Decision of the Discussion. Declaration of Outcome of the Discussion by Mr Jignesh Mewani,
Convenor,Rashtriya Dalit Adhikar Munch.
D. 1330 hrs Vote of thanks by Dr Bharat Bhushan ji from Uttarakhand, A sincere and dedicated Political & social Activist.
E. 1330 hrs Lunch & thereafter End of the SEMINAR.
1. To Stand Unitedly and Strongly against all types of Discrimination going on the basis of Caste, Community & Religious etc. And for that……
2. To Make India free from CASTE, RSS,BJP & CONGRESS.
3. To Make Strong Alternate Political Platform/Alliance.
4. Name & Structure of the Alliance.
5. Agenda/Common Minimum Program of the Alliance for 2019 Lol Sabha Elections and so on.
6. Mission 2018 Madhya Pradesh Vidhan Sabha Elections.
7. Any Subject or Topic need of the hour with the permission of the Chair.
1. Every Political & Social Organization and Activist will be treated as Equal and given 15 minutes time to address the House on the Agenda.
2. No Discussion or Speech shall be Permitted beyond the Agenda.
1. Dr. B D Raje – 09711408384
(National Co-ordinator of Human Security & Development Organization)
2. Mr. Bhanu Pratap Singh – 08587979947 (National President of Rashtriya Janhit Sangharsh Party)
3. Mr Jignesh Mewani – 09724379940
(Convenor, Rashtriya Dalit Adhikar Munch)
4. Dr Bharat Bhushan – 09411562650 & 08077925170
(Sincere & Dedicated Political & Social Activist from Uttarakhand)
5. Mr Deepchand Ram Gautam – 09453537793 & 08707291193
(Senior Political Leader from U.P.)
6. Dr. Vijay Kumar – 09818357275
(National General Secretary & Incharge of Madhya Pradesh of Rashtriya Janhit Sangharsh Party)
7. Mr.Hijam Rajendra Singha-09818470293
(National General Secretary & Incharge of North East India of Rashtriya Janhit Sangharsh Party)
8. Mr. A C Meitei – 08729835858
(National Organizing Secretary & Co incharge of North East India of Rashtriya Janhit Sangharsh Party from
9. Mr. Janakraj Chauhan – 09463413264
(General Secretary of SPEED a Social Organization from Punjab)
1. The Organizing Committee has made the arrangement of Stay at AMBEDKAR BHAVAN itself for the Delegates coming out side from DELHI & NCR.
2. Nearest METRO STATIONS Jhandewal and Ramkrishna Ashram.
3. Prior confirmation is deeply
Concern & Requested of the discussion.
08587979947, 09818470293,
09818357275, 09411562650
This Press Release wassent by Hijam Rajendra Singha, who is the National General Secretary, In-Charge North East India, Rashtriya Janhit Sangharsh Party, who can be contacted athr.singha(at)gmail.(dot)com.