Renu Takhellambam (EEVFAM) calls upon UN to be proactive against AFSPA and Fake encounter


UN to be proactive against AFSPA and Fake Encounter.

Speech delivered by Renu Takhellambam (EEVFAM) at the 36th session Human Right Council, general debate agenda 10, September 2017.

Mr. President

We welcome the resolve of experts and digntaries that HRC should find ways to bring changes on ground; and not only make recommendations and resolutions. In the north eastern states in India especially Manipur, Tripura and Assam the situation of human rights violation by armed state and non state actor is grave. Still more than hundred thousand people are waiting for justice because many lives were lost at the hands of Armed forces. A number of recommendations were made by the UN Treaty Bodies and Special Procedures to repeal Armed Forces (Special Power) Act 1958 and provide remedies to the victims but still India decided not to respect the UN and International Community.

Mr President.

Therefore, we request tor Technical Assistance from UN as given below:

(1) To assist India to expedite the investigation and judgment of the cases of Human Rights violations under the Environment of AFSPA in North East India.

(2) Provide Technical Assistance to Inda to repeal AFSPA immediately. Thank you

Video Source: Renu Takhellambam

This article was sent by Dr. Malem Ningthouja, who can be contacted at ningthouja(at)yahoo(dot)com.


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