“Promotion of Improved Technology of Pules Production under Conservation of Agriculture in Rice Fallow System”


One day Training cum Input Distribution programme on “Promotion of Improved Technology of Pules Production under Conservation of Agriculture in Rice Fallow System” was organised by ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region and Krishi Vigyan Kendra Churachandpur at KVK Churachandpur on 14th November 2017.

The function was graced by Dr. S Hazarika, Head, Department of Soil Science and Nodal officer Tribal Sub Plan, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region as Chief Guess, Dr. SK Das, Head, Department of Fisheries, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region as Guest of Honour, Dr. MA Ansari, Scientist Agronomy, ICAR Manipur Centre and Dr. Niranjan Lal, Senior Scientist and Head, KVK Churachandpur as president. The function was attended by 50 farmers of Churachandpur district.

-Dr. W Rajen Singh gave welcome address. Dr. MA Ansari pronounced the keynote address about “Promotion of Improved Technology of Pules Production under Conservation of Agriculture in Rice Fallow System”. Dr. S Hazarika speaking on the occasion highlighted the importance of Tribal Sub Plan and its importance for the poor and the needy farmers for improving their livelihood. Dr. SK Das, emphasized on promotion of pulse production as pulses are one of the cheapest protein. And told that pulses not only provide protein, it also improved the soil fertility and soil structure. Dr. Niranjan Lal, expressed his desired to expand the area under pulse production. Dr. S Roma Devi gave the vote of thanks.

The programme was followed by technical session wherein Dr. R K Roshan, SMS, Horticulture delivered lecture on “Scope of pulse production in Churachandpur”, Dr. MA Ansari delivered lecture on “Improved Technology of Pules Production under Conservation of Agriculture in Rice Fallow System”, Mr. L Basil, Farm Manager delivered lecture on Integrated Farming System. Pulse seed, fertilizer and other inputs where also distributed as the part of the

The programme was concluded by field visit cum field inspection by Dr. S Hazarika, Dr. SK Das, team from ICAR Manipur centre and KVK churachandpur at demonstration fields under TSP programme.

This Press Release was sent by KVK Churachandpur, who can be contacted at kvkchurachandpur(at)gmail(dot)com.


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