Addressing as chief guest, MLA and deputy chairman of State Planning Board, S. Rajen Singh said that improving quality and fertility of soil would enhance the growth of agricultural product and reduce crop failure, and also will boost income of the state.
Briefing the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s target to double farmers’ income by 2022, S. Rajen Singh said that soil health card is one of the major components of fulfilling the target of doubling the farmers’ income.
Farmers can reap several benefits from the use of soil health card as they can choose the particular type of crops suitable for cultivation in their farmland. It would also help the farmers to get an idea on types of nutrient and fertilisers required in each type of soil, he added.
Speaking as president in the function, joint director of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) I. Meghachandra Singh said that it is very essential to improve the quality of soil for good harvest.
He further explained that valley area of Manipur is more fertile and best for paddy cultivation as compared to hilly areas. However due to deforestation the fertility of soil both in hilly and valley has been reduced drastically, he added.
Pointing out the impact of natural disaster, he said that there is a close relation between reducing fertility of soil and natural disasters like flood and global warming.
‘Collective responsibility from all walks of life is required in saving our mother earth from all such unwanted natural phenomena’, said Meghachandra.
He also suggested all the farmers to use fertilisers in right amount and to perform animal husbandry for converting our state into organic state.
Office-in-charge of Mission for Integrated Development Horticulture (MIDH), department of Horticulture and Soil Conservation, K. Jogeschandra Sharma also attended the function.
The report of soil health card for 500 farmers and certificates for the participants of Gardeners Skill Training Programme which has been conducting from November 6 to December 5, were also distributed.
In the technical session, T. Basanta Singh and Kh. Hera Singh gave presentation on ‘Utility and advantages of Soil Health Cards (SHC)’ and ‘Soil management for sustainable agriculture’ respectively.
Source: Imphal Free Press