Manipur College students stage protest demanding lifting of ban by UGC


Manipur college protestIT News

Imphal, Jan 22: Students of Manipur College today staged protest under the aegis of the Kangleipak Students Association (KSA) demanding the state government for urging the University Grant Commission (UGC) for lifting of the ban to the college since 2014.

Speaking to reporters, Laishram Sachindev, a student of the college said that UGC had blacklisted the college since 2014 for financial irregularities committed by an in-charge principal of the college in 2013. Since then the college has stopped receiving any fund from the UGC. Teaching community of the college had urged the state government for urging the UGC to lift the ban in the interest of the student community but still is not listened due to reason best known to them. Sachindra, a member of the KSA Manipur College Unit further added that the in-charge principal involved in the financial misappropriation should be punished for defaming the college. Till now no punishment has been awarded to the then in-charge principal, he added. May be government failure to take any punitive action against the then in-charge Principal is the reason for the UGC refusal to lift the ban on Manipur College, said Laishram Sachindra.

On January 11, Imphal Times had reported about the blacklisting of the college by UGC for financial misappropriation by one Dr. Kh Jayantakumar Singh the then in-charge principal of Manipur College. This paper has reported that  Manipur College, located at Singjamei Chinga Makhong, has stop receiving any aids from the University Grant Commission (UGC) since 2013, as the college has been black listed after the UGC  found financial irregularities by the in-charge principal of that time


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