Bloody Phanek Wins Special Mention Award at Signs Festival 2018


Imphal|Nov 13 : Bloody Phanek has won the Special Mention Award at the recently concluded SiGNS Festival in Kerala. Directed and produced by Sonia Nepram, the film explores the multifaceted world of phanek and will further be screened at multiple global festivals in the coming two months.
SiGNS, which was held in the first week of November in Trichur, showcased national level competitions for documentaries and short fiction for the prestigious John Abraham National Awards instituted by the Kerala Region of Federation of Film Societies of India. Bloody Phanek won the Special Mention Award in the documentary competition section.
In December, Bloody Phanek will be screened at the Kathmandu Mountain International Film Festival in Kathmandu, Nepal and the Pakistan International Mountain Film Festival in Islamabad, Pakistan. Then in January 2019, it will be screened at the Peloponnisisos Documentary Film Festival which is scheduled to be held in Greece.
Bloody Phanek is a documentary film on phanek that blends the personal and the political. It  starts from a personal impression that began from the earliest memories of the filmmaker’s life. Bloody Phanek explores how women use phanek as a medium of protest, while it also examines the concept of impurity and how this attire challenges masculinity.
Bloody Phanek is produced and directed by Sonia Nepram and cinematography and editing by Sandeep Soubam. The film was successfully selected for pitching at the Docedge Kolkata, Asian Forum for Documentary held in March 2015. The film is supported by Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Film Festival, South Korea, where it was released as a world premiere. Bloody Phanek had also received outreach support from Mumbai-based DocEdge Chandy Mathew.


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