One injured in gun attack


    IMPHAL, Jan 17: A 32 year old housewife suffered a bullet injury yesterday evening at around 9:30pm during indiscriminate firing by some unidentified armed miscreants suspected to be militants at the residential area of Pukhrambam Maning Leokai under Wangoi Police station.
    The injured housewife indentified as Asem Ongbi Sunibala Devi, 32, wife of Asem Chaoba reportedly sustained one bullet injuries at her right leg during the attacked by the unidentified gunmen.
    According to family sources the incident occurred when about 5 unidentified persons entered the house belonging one Asem Brojen, 36 son of Chaoba of Pukhrambam Maning Leikai yesterday evening around 9.30 pm and asked the whereabouts of Brojen, however when told that Brojen was not in the house the unidentified persons hurriedly left the house and later started firing towards the house resulting in the injury of Sunibala Devi who was present inside the house at the time.
    In the meantime, marking strong protest against the last night firing incident by unidentified armed persons at Pukhrambam Maning Leikai under Wangoi police station the public of the areas have staged sit-in-protests today at Wangoi bazaar by displaying various placards carrying the slogans like, we protest firing at the public residential areas, don’t frighten the innocent public by firing gun.
    The public has further demanded a clarification from the concerned organization the reason behind the firing.

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