Earlier in the morning, a sizeable number of government employees mostly key members and leaders of the JAC of AMTUC and AMGEO gathered at the THAU ground, DM College Campus for a meaningful observation of the Day.
The stage was all set for a meaningful observation of the Dark Day at the THAU ground. However, the function could not proceed due to their non-clearance of permit for holding such a function in public places.
However, the Dark Day observation was held later in the afternoon at the JAC office located at Babupara attended by members of various employee and pensioner organizations and observed a two minutes silence to commemorate and recall the prolonged impasse arising out of the various form of agitation launched by the joint bodies demanding the implementation of the 6th central pay commission in toto which has been deprived by the state government.
After minute deliberation, today`™s Dark Day meet resolve to observe the day as Black Day in future also.
The meet also resolved that the joint bodies would call another meet this month to launch a severe form of agitation if government fail to implement the MoU signed between the JAC and the GOM before May 31.
Mention may made here that May 17 is being observe as Dark Day today by the employees bodies to commemorate May 17, 2010 on which day members of the JAC, including old pensioners, were arrested by police from the high security area of Babupara following a demonstration demanding pay raise. They were lodged in lockups for two days.
It may also be recalled that the employees agitation breached 4 months during the series of agitations spreading for more than a year and the JAC finally got invited on May 17, 2010 by the Chief Minister to arrive at a solution.