College of Nursing observes third foundation day


IMPHAL, Dec 3: Prof H. Nandakumar Sarma, the vice chancellor of Manipur University has assured all possible help and cooperation to the College of Nursing, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences.

He was speaking as the chief guest of the third foundation day of College of Nursing on Saturday.

Prof Nandakumar stated that there were some problems in the beginning. However these were sorted out with the officials of RIMS.

He also clarified that the syllabi of the College of Nursing was set by the experts and are at a par with those of the best nursing institutes in the country and as such the students need not have any apprehensions.

The VC is happy that the nursing students will be exposed to a better academic atmosphere since there are several streams in this medical college. He assured that the university will come forth with all assistances.

In his presidential speech Prof S. Sekharjit, Director of RIMS, said that Prof N. Damayanti had come forth to salvage the nascent College of Nursing which was facing various problems. He said that now with the team work under the supervision of the Nursing college develeopement committee the institute is emerging as one of the best.

He said that this nursing institute will remain as a part of RIMS and shall never be separated, He was glad that the doctors from RIMS are everywhere in the country in general and the NE states in particular, He was sure that the nurses from this institute will dominate the nursing scene soon. Earlier Prof N. Damaynati, Principal in charge presented the milestones of the College of Nursing.

Dr Mirdula S. Khanikor, principal of Regional college of nursing, Guwahati said that people feel jealous of Manipur since the players are dominating the sports scene. She said that one day the nurses from this institute will surely dominate the region. Dr Manju Vasta, principal of College of Nursing, AIIMS was also in the dais.


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