Woman kills husband


IMPHAL January 14: A 33-year-old housewife stabbed her husband to death with a knife following a heated argument yesterday night at around 8 pm at Haotal Thangjam Khunou under Heingang police station. She surrendered herself to the police after the incident.

According to family members, the deceased was identified as Asem Herojit, son of late Temba and his wife as Sushila.

One of the family members said Herojit was a chronic alcoholic and last night they heard another argument between the couple which happened almost every day. In the heat of the moment, Sushila reportedly plunged the knife many times on the right side of his abdomen and the head.

According to the source, Sushila informed about what had happened to other family members one hour later. They saw Herojit lying in a pool of blood after entering the room, she said and added that immediately afterwards Sushila surrendered to the police.

The body had been handed over to family members after post mortem was conducted at JNIMS.


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