Irom Sharmila wants to meet Modi, take advice from him


New Delhi: After Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, rights activist Irom Sharmila now wants to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi expecting ‘good advice’ from him.
She had met Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on September 26 seeking his advice on how to defeat ‘major political parties’ in her state Manipur.
‘Good advice should always be expected. Whether a person is an enemy or a friend, if he has some good views and wants to share it with me, I will take the advice,’ she told.
She was asked if she would also meet Modi to seek his advice as he was elected with a huge mandate in the general elections. Sharmila on Friday had addressed Delhi University students at a function organised by the North East Forum for International Solidarity (NEFIS) to commemorate the 120th birth anniversary of Hijam Irabot, a freedom fighter and social activist from Manipur.
Sharmila, who had in the past, expressed her desire to meet Modi to seek his help in the repeal of the contentious Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA), reiterated her demand saying, “It is possible, I will meet because he is the authority concerned who can fulfill my demand.”
The 44-year-old “Iron Lady” had an advice for students as she asked them to stop blaming the society and rather be the change they wish to see. “Youths, which are the strength of society are the symbol of unity and inspiration. You remain protesting and blaming the society.
Instead, you are responsible to help or unite to bring the change you wish to see in the society,” she said. On August 9, Sharmila broke her 16-year-old hunger strike demanding repeal of the AFSPA and announced that she would take her battle to the next level by floating her party as she wants to become the chief minister of Manipur to “press” for the demands.
Irom Sharmila, who has decided to fight Manipur Assembly elections, on Saturday said she has “no specific plans” for the polls and her only strategy would be to “connect the hearts” of people in the state.
“We have been fighting to repeal AFSPA for so long now. Electoral politics is just another democratic tool for change, so I have decided to enter the fray. But, I have no specific plans, and my only strategy is to connect the hearts of people,” she told.
The 44-year-old activist, who ended her 16-year-old hunger strike in August, had met Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on September 26 and sought his advice on how to defeat “major political parties” in her home state.
She was speaking on the sidelines of a press conference, organised by a group of women rights bodies, which she addressed here this afternoon.
Co-organiser of the press conference and women rights activist Vani Subramanian said, ‘We jointly launched a campaign ‘Stand With Irom Sharmila: Repeal AFSPA’ in March and over 1,000 women activists, and professionals from top to grassroots level have endorsed this.’  (PTI)
New Source: The Shillong Times


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