Governor lauds combat against HIV/AIDS pandemic in state


Manipur Governor Gurbachan Jagat lights candle at the state level World AIDS Day observation in Imphal as Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh and YAS minister N Biren looks on. 2010-12-02 | by : IFP Photo
Manipur Governor Gurbachan Jagat lights candle at the state level World AIDS Day observation in Imphal as Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh and YAS minister N Biren looks on. 2010-12-02 | by : IFP Photo
IMPHAL, Dec 1: As celebrated in parts of the country different civil society organizations and political parties of the state have observed the World Aids Day today in various ways.

The day was also observed in a state function organized by the Manipur state Aids Control Society (MACS) under the state health department today at the 1st Manipur Rifles (MR) parade ground with the chief guest by the Governor Gurbachand Jagat.

The Governor while inaugurating the function mentioned that observation of such day is important for the state like Manipur where the problems of HIVB/AIDS have been having serious effect directly in the affairs of the state administration.

He further mentioned that many young women widows die due to this pandemic and today was observed Internationally under the theme ‘Universal Access and Human Rights’ 2010 to have all access HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. It was also to address the critical need for protection of human rights, he added.

The Governor further noted that it has been a great achievement for the state for having drafted the revised state AIDS policy and informed the state government that, Manipur state was the first and only state in India to have a State AIDS policy as early as 1996. Now, its is imperative to make modification and improvements in the policy statements so as to suit the changing circumstances and trend of the epidemic. And there is hope that the experts and intellectual in this field shall give their suggestion before the finalization of the policy and it will be of immense help to society in mitigating the menace of HIV/AIDS in this trouble torn state.

It is important to note that, statistic review that the magnitude of the problem in Manipur highly alarming in the sense that innocent pregnant housewife, who present the general population, have been infected by HIV. It is learned that, 1.3% of them are estimated to be living with HIV. Infection among the mothers indicates possible infection among the new borne children and also among the fathers. If new borne children are infected, the future of Manipur would not be as bright as it should be, and suggested that small children should get utmost care and protections in this regard. It is the responsible for the society at large, particularly women, to have a greater involvement in the fight against HIV/AIDS to safeguard the future of Manipur.

Governor further mentioned that, our state in the north eastern corner of India sub-continent is renowned throughout the World for excellence in the field of games and sports, arts and culture and beautiful composite civilization comprising a numbers of small ethnic groups. However, it is unfortunate that Manipur is identified as an epicenter of HIV/AIDS today. As well as we all knew, Manipur is one of the six high prevalence state in the country, identified by the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), ministry of Health and Family Welfare, government of India.

Governor also informed in his speech today that, the total numbers of HIV positive cases in Manipur during September 1986 to August 2010 is 36,372. This includes 9733 female, the numbers of report AIDs cases during this period is 4589 and the number of death is 645. Beside it has been very sure that these huge numbers of infected women do not indulged in high risk behaviors and they may have contacted the virus from their partners out of ignorance and negligence. And it is also appeal to all young women of the state to remove their fear and ignorance with regard to HIV issues. This not only for their own protection but also for saving the future generation.

Governor further appealed that, every body must promote voluntary HIV testing before marriage in this regard, and we all are happy that the National AIDS control programme is being successfully implemented in the state with the funding through the NACO government of India.

Manipur AIDS Control Society is the nodel agency for the implementation of this programme. The programme implemented through active collaboration between various government and NGO agencies.

Innovative progrrammes suitable to this hilly state are being taken up by the state government. And it is of the opinion that the ICTC van and IEC van just launched today will immensely helped the people to get information and services. These facilities will removed the difficulties of the people to access health set up. The newly launched vans will penetrates every nook and corner of the state along with cultural troops of the Song and Drama Divisions, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, government of India. This structure of mass media could translate the aims and objectives of this years’ theme into action.

He said HIV/AIDS issue is no longer a mere health issue. It has covered all aspects of life socials, economy, legal human rights and even political. The all out and concerted efforts of the health officials and concerned activists of the state will not be sufficient in talking this issue. The civil society have be actively involved and appreciate the role of NGOs and agencies during the last two decades in providing preventive services and care to the people. Without the active roles of NGOs the situation would have been added.

Chief minister O Ibobi Singh in his presidential speech during the function toady said that the oneness thought will bring the solution/meaningful to the human life to the both effected of the disease and unaffected persons. All those who have been infected with the HIV/Aids want to live with healthy and wealthy, having a great education qualification and perfect life like us but unfortunately they’ve been touch with the disease, avoid the disease lets live together as oneness, said the minister.

The CM further revealed that the Road, Medical Institute, Nursing College, and IT. Etc. let them build, it is for our children the generation will come with bright through all these, the central government is providing a good suggestion for the future of the state children. Killing each other will no bring a good solution to the state people lets give a hand in hand whether he/she is a HIV/Aids positives of not.

Expressing his strong concerned over the prevailing law and order situations of the state caused by the multiple incidents related to the insurgency in the state which have been hampering major programmes which are taken up by the state government for the welfare of the state people of the state.

He also mentioned that, the prevailing situation of the state which seems to be totally felt on chaos and confusion caused by the accumulating incidents of kidnapping and attacking the official concerned of various implementing projects and schemes in the state has been giving another headache of the state administration.

Considering all the impacts that has been given to the smooth conduct of administrations of the affairs of the state in terms of implementing the projects and schemes which the state government has been taken up for the welfare of the state, and it has become a must for the state to fight against any anti social as well as anti national activists and it is also an another policy to eliminate those anti social and anti national activists who have tried to interfere to the affairs of the state, and the people of the state need to understand the action plan of the state government and there no worthy for the common to raise their voice of ignorance to any action taken up by the state government against those persons involve in anti social activities, finally chief minister appeal the people of the state come forward to fight against our common enemies for the future prosperous and healthy state he added.

The observation today was attended by N. Biren Singh, Minister IFCD & YAS, Manipur, officers of state health department MACS and volunteers of various civil society organizations and representatives of NGOs who have actively dealt with the HIV/AIDS in the state.


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