Police officer fails to depose before BT Road probe panel again


IMPHAL, Jan 15: The Agarwal Commission of inquiry constituted to probe the July 23, 2009 firing incident at BT road in which one pregnant women Rabina Devi and a former UG Sanjit were killed, and five others were injured could not take the testimony of Inspector S. Devendro Singh who was the commanding officer of the Imphal Bazar unit Manipur police commandos during the sitting of the commission yesterday at its temporary office at Hotel Imphal as the officer pleaded physical illness and inability to be present.
It may be mentioned an intermediate sitting of the commission of inquiry was convened yesterday chaired by the retd. Justice PG Agarwal at the temporary office at Hotel Imphal and Inspector S Devendro officer in charge of the Imphal City CDO had been formally summoned to depose before the commission.
The counsel who appeared on behalf of the Inspector produced official documents explaining the reason of the inability of the Inspector to appear before the commission claiming physical indisposition.
Among the documents was also a doctor’s certificate.
In the meantime, after listening to the prayer of the counsel of the Inspector, the commission extended the same hearing till January 31 this month and also further instructed the Inspector to appear before the commission without fail during the period of the extended sitting.
Furthermore, the chairman of the commission at the end of the hearing also issued a summon to Additional SP Imphal RK Jhaljit to appear before the commission to give testimony as witness in connection with the same incident.

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