eNorth East Award 2011


Send the completed form to enortheast@gmail.com
You can also fill the form online at http://www.enortheast.in

• Please ensure that filled in text is not repeated in the responses against the items in Part I, Part II and Part III.
• Please fill the form liberally and attach extra documents and links so that the Jury gets adequate information about your project in the best possible manner.
• Questions marked with asterisk * are mandatory. However, we recommend filling all fields.
Part I – Overview
1 Name of the Project/Product/ application Nominated (in English)*:

2 Name of the Project/Product/ application in Original Language:

3 Language(s) of the Product*:
4 URL (If Online):
5 Category* [CHOOSE ONE]
i. Governance & Public Services Delivery
ii. Education & Learning
iii. Health
iv. Livelihood & Entrepreneurship
v. Financial Inclusion
vi. News & Media
vii. Entertainment
viii. Commerce & Business
ix. Culture & Heritage
x. Environment & Tourism
xi. Innovative department / public sector agency or unit
xii. Innovative IT / ICT enterprise
6 Short description of the application /service /innovation*:
(less than 200 Words)

Part II – Technical Details
7 Technical description of product/ services / platform
( Not more than 200 words)*

• Technology (Hardware, Software, Platform)
• Feature List
• Hosting (Details and explanation on how it is fast, scalable, reliable and secure?)
• Coverage area
• Value added services, if any
• Service & Support (In terms of software, or hardware, if applicable)
8 Installation procedure/Technical Requirements of the product/project for testing by Jury*:
[e.g. User name & Password/steps / special browser/plug-in/ Device / any other information required to access & test the product/project]

Part III – Product/Project Data & Details
9 Chronology*

9.1 Launch Date of the Project:

9.2 Project Completion Date:

9.3 Other Important dates & events during the journey responsible for present state of the product/project:
10 What do you deliver (Content/Services) to users through your initiative?* (Complete list of deliverables to the customer/target group through this initiative)
11 Describe the sustainable model (Not more than 200 words)
12 Detailed Description of the application / service/ innovation*: (Describe the project in detail, mentioning all the relevant information, in about 1000 words)
13 Quantitative & qualitative impact of product/project in diverse locations and people* (List Regional areas and number of people benefited by this product/project – Not more than 200 words)
14 What was the background & the motivation behind developing the application/service/innovation: (less than 200 Words)
15 Best ways to use or the best usage scenarios of the product/project*: (Not more than 500 Words)
16 How do your application/ service/ innovation provide interactivity and ease of use to the users? (How is your product/project able to solve the purpose of its inception with ease to the user) (Not more than 200 words)
17 Provide some user experience on how your project has impacted their life*? (Feedbacks, comments by the users – Please provide user details)

18 How is your project unique? (Describe the Uniqueness of your Innovation in terms of Originality of Idea / Method/ Business Model/ Technology / Application / Implementation that your product/project has which makes it different)
19 Is your project sustainable on its own? How scalable is it? Please explain on the viability and sustainability of offering* (Not more than 200 words)
20 What is your vision of “ICT for Development in North East India’? How do you think information communication technology applications can be used towards wholesome and inclusive development in the region? [This note maybe published in our publications with due credit] 1000 words
Part IV – Producer (Individual/Organization) information
21 Name of Organization (Nominees)*
22 Contact Person*
23 Street Address*
24 City*
25 Post Code*
26 State*
27 Country*
28 Mobile, Telephone, Fax*
29 Email(s)*
30 URL/Website
Heads, Team Members, Investors, Clients, Partners & Vendors who have significantly contributed*
S.No. Name Email Phone/Mobile Location Role
[Heads/Team Member/
Client/ Vendor / Investor]

eNorth East Award 2011


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