ZSU decries misappropriation of development fund


IMPHAL, Dec 2: Zeliangrong Students’ Union, Manipur has condemned the state government for delay in the construction of Barrack Valley suspension bridege and also decried misappropriation of fund for the construction of road between Katang and Maguilong villages in between Manipur and Nagaland.

Speaking to media persons after inspecting the construction work of Barrack Valley suspension bridge, chairman of Zeliangrong Students’ Union, Stephen stated that the contractor has not taken up the road construction work properly and as a result the road in between Katang and Maguilong is in a deplorable condition.

The construction of Barrack Valley bridge was started in 2009 at an estimated cost of Rs. 4.59 crore under the agency of one special contractor, but it is still under the initial stage.

Stephen further appealed to the authorities concerned to expedite the development works and ensure better living condition to the people of Zeliangrong region.


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